Child support tends to get tricky. There’s a formula involved, but it accounts for many factors. Of course, the income of both parents, as well as level of need, figure prominently in the final amount. But does a new spouse’s paycheck influence the number? Like most court orders, once in …
Common Financial Mistakes in Divorce
Divorce can be a stressful, emotional time, where you’re juggling a great many balls. In this situation, things slip through the cracks and financial mistakes are made.
Common Child Support Questions Answered
For parents, children are the most important part of our lives. We do just about anything to keep them safe and put their well-being ahead of our own.
Social Security and Divorce: What to Know
Over the course of a marriage, two lives become inexorably entwined. Divorce is the process of untangling them. A relatively straightforward feat in shorter unions, the longer you and your spouse stay together, the messier things get. Many people often neglect to account for how ending a marriage affects things …
How Does Spousal Support Work In Oregon?
Also called alimony or spousal maintenance, spousal support is court-ordered payments that are intended to help a dependent spouse get back on their feet or ease financial hardship.
How Is A Business Divided In A Divorce?
The courts view your business as a divisable asset, and that’s what the court looks at. If you start a business while married, it will likely be considered marital property. That said, you’re not completely without ways to cover yourself. If you started the business before you were married, it would be treated as separate property. But if you invest joint funds, commingle marital and business assets or your spouse invests sweat equity it will muddy the waters.
The Division of Property and Divorce in Oregon
As opposed to community property states, where all property acquired during marriage belongs equally to both spouses, equitable distribution views the property as belonging to the individual spouse who earned it.
How Student Loan Debt Impacts Divorce
Money problems ruin at least as many marriages as infidelity, probably more. Financial strain is a huge source of stress for many people, both individuals and couples. One major area where we feel the pinch is student loan debt. One recent study uncovers the major impact this has on marriage …
Dividing Debt In Divorce In Oregon
No matter the name on the title, credit card, mortgage, auto financing, or business loan, Oregon presumes both spouses acquired a debt.
Can You Make a Major Purchase During Divorce?
The divorce process comes with any number of expenses. You have court costs, filing fees, an attorney to pay, and even a change in tax status. In many cases, you need to find a new place to live. Perhaps your custody arrangement necessitates buying a new car to shuttle kids …
What Is The Average Cost of Divorce in Oregon?
Ending a marriage can be an expensive proposition even when uncontested. Here are the costs of divorce you should be on the lookout for.
Qualifying for Child Support Modification
Once in place, it’s difficult to modify child support orders. That’s not to say it’s impossible, but it isn’t an easy road.