what is the right of first refusal

Right Of First Refusal: What You Need to Know

Goldberg JonesChild Custody 3 Comments

The right of first refusal can be an important piece of a child custody order. After divorce or battles over guardianship, non-custodial parents can use this measure to spend as much time with their kids as possible. A few questions come often. How does the right of first refusal work? …

Can You Terminate Parental Rights in Oregon?

Goldberg JonesChild Custody 2 Comments

Being a parent is a tough job and a huge responsibility. Depending on who you talk to, it may very well be the toughest gig around. Rewarding, fulfilling, and worthwhile, it’s also demanding, draining, and not for everyone. Is it possible, for those so inclined, to sign away parental rights? …

can a primary move away with your kids?

Can A Custodial Parent Relocate After Divorce?

Goldberg JonesChild Custody Leave a Comment

Co-parenting after divorce is difficult. Custody arrangements, parenting plans, schedules, and continuing conflict between exes all impact parenting time. And circumstances often change. What if one parent plans to move with a child? What can you do about potential relocation after divorce? In general, the law recognizes maintaining close relationships …

do step parents have rights

Do Step-Parents’ Have Rights in Oregon?

Goldberg JonesChild Custody, Featured Content 1 Comment

As common as divorce and remarriage are, the topic of step-parents comes up often in cases that involve children. More specifically, questions about step-parents’ rights and responsibilities frequently come up. Step-parents often form deep emotional bonds with children who aren’t biologically theirs. It can be devastating to lose these. Children …

Child Custody If A Parent Has a Mental Illness

Goldberg JonesChild Custody 10 Comments

Mental illness affects many people. Still, it’s often a difficult topic for many people to talk about. Even if kept hidden, mental illness impacts every facet of a person’s life, as well as those around them. It often has a devastating influence on relationships and marriages. Not only does it …

can you fight parental alienation

Fighting Parental Alienation

Goldberg JonesChild Custody 3 Comments

In the wake of a divorce, it’s not uncommon for parent-child relationships to take a hit. You may not see your child as often and you may not be a part of their day-to-day lives. This is tough, but it’s even worse in cases where parental alienation rears its ugly …